The Quarter Rest: draw and stretch a small letter “r”
Where is the note “G” on the stave (the 5 lines on which music is written)? Find the letter “G” in the Treble Clef.
The Eighth Rest: like a hand showing the number “8” the Chinese way
SUIS Pudong Primary Music Department wishes all our students and their parents a happy and peaceful 2015!
The first two shows of Head in the Clouds were a great success. The Tuesday performance even saw the return of our injured Percussionist Rimon who joined us on stage!
Last show tonight! Register here:
Whas is the meaning of the word “timbre“? Write 2-3 sentences. Use your own words!
Dear Parents,
Your children have worked hard on Head in the Clouds. We are all very excited for the upcoming shows!
Along with a large number of other students, your child will be active on and off stage as musician and/or stage hand. During the performances, these two groups need to wear dark clothes. May I ask you to select the following clothes and have them ready for dress rehearsals (the week starting Dec. 8) and the final performances on Dec. 15, 16 and 17?
Sneakers ok!) Long black trousers (comfortable, rugged. Jeans ok!) OR
stripes, design patterns etc.)
Many thanks in advance for your help and support. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the performance!
在过去的几周里孩子们都在为我们即将到来的音乐剧 Head in the Clouds 忙碌的排 练着,我们都对接下来的演出充满期待。
届时您的孩子将作为音乐剧的一份子和其他的同学一块参与到演出当中。为了配 合演出,我们决定让他们穿全身黑色的服装,再配合我们为他们准备的五彩的饰 品。所以我能建议您从以下的选项中选适合您孩子的衣服,并帮助他们在正式的 彩排(12 月 8 日开始的那周)和最后的两次演出(12 月 15 日,16 日和 17 日) 之前准备好吗?